Thursday, May 3, 2007

mid-week update

I have to say this week has been a mite slower than the past few have been. ( thank the Lord)We have not had to go anywhere all week. We have for the most part stayed home. It has been great! I have actually spent some time at the scrapbook table. It has been so long since I had time to just sit down and scrap. I have done more cards this week but I still love that too. I like to make cards in advance so when an event pops up I don't have to rush to make a card. I actually want to start making birth announcements so I have one less thing to do when the baby comes. My problem is I have alot of good ideas in my head but I don't know how to get them on paper. I am so not creative! Oh well its off to work tonight so it will be a rushed evening and as of this minute I have no idea what to fix for dinner. Ahhhhh I will check in probably after the weekend has ended. It will be quite busy.


Rebekah said...

Your cards look great!!! How about tuna casserole for dinner? That's what I'm making:-)

Michele said...

I love the cards! We all need to get together sometime for a card making session! I've never made any but they look like fun.

Anonymous said...

Your cards look so nice. That's a good idea about making the birth announcements now rather than later. I'm sure you'll be glad you did them early!

Tim and Kristina said...

Love the cards! Wish I could find the time to set down and scrap, something else always seems to pop up when I think I'm finally going to get to do it. We need to schedule a crop so I HAVE to do it!!

Have a great weekend!!

Tamra said...

You are doing a great job with the cards. They look great!

sankey family said...

Your cards look so my sister Mandy - I'm sure you guys could talk design ideas for hours...smiles...
Miss you,

The Going Blog said...

Hello Heather,
Those cards look great. I was excited to see them and know that you love to scrapbook too. I think this whole blogging thing is addictive :) I guess you are moving up if you are building a cabin. How neat. I'm hoping to be at camp again this year. My husband has given me such a hard time about doing toe nails so I guess I will leave my spa stuff at home this year. ha
I hope you are feeling great. Take care.
Love, Martha