Monday, May 21, 2007

Konnor loved the kiddie rides

Katie in her race car

Megan in her bumper boat

Part of our group waiting on a table for dinner
at Texas Roadhouse( eating peanuts)

I am still trying to figure out this blogging thing. It wouldn't put up all of my pictures thus you get two posts. Sorry!


Aimee said...

Heather - Your vacation looks fun! I kept checking your blog to see if you were back yet. I can't believe how many kids are in your family now...

Janella said...

Heather looks like you guys and girls had fun! So what is the Nascar track? The pool looks great!

Heather said...

Janella, That big nascar go cart place is right next to the outlet malls right when you come into Pidgeon Forge. Its on the right hand side of the road.Its a great place for the guys to go whiule the girls go shopping. For 30 bucks all day you can't beat it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Now I want to go to Gatlinburg! It's probably my favorite place to vacation. Wouldn't it be fun to have the family reunion there sometime? That would be a blast! Glad everyone was feeling good. You should post a picture of your new diaper bag. I would love to see it!

The Going Blog said...

Just jealous of your bargains and that you will have the cutest bag at camp :) I'm not happy that Mark and Tammy aren't coming to camp but I am sooo excited that we get their room. Sis Sams said there is a new water heater for your bathroom. Warm shower-camp--gotta feel it to believe it.
It looks like you had a fun weekend. I hope the recovery from it is going well :)

Rebekah said...

Heather-We had a great time with you all (and everyone). I enjoyed looking at a few of your pictures. I have yet to even look at mine!!! Well, off to unpacking!!! Talk to you soon!

sankey family said...

So glad you had fun and got to be with all your family. We're looking forward to spending a day or so in Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge this summer - the kids (and adults) can't wait!
Love and miss you,

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a really great trip. The bumper boats look so fun. I remember loving those when I was little.