Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Day and other happenings

I don't know whether I can say I had a good Memorial Day weekend or not. Overall I guess it was good but with sick kids all weekend its hard not to see just that. I want to know why my kids are always sick on or around holidays when the doctor is not in his office? We spent the night at camp on Friday night and Konnor coughed allllllllll night.Which means I didn't sleep either. It all started on Thursday when he kept running a temperature but as soon as I would give him Motrin he would act better. Well Saturday he was whiny and coughed all day. Same goes for Sunday and Monday. Monday Randy went back to camp and The kids and I went to the parade. We did have a good time there. As you can see from the pictures. We always go with my family every year. Did I mention that Kaitlyn was sick too?Her asthma has been acting up and she was coughing all of the time and couldn't walk up the stairs without losing her breath. Well Monday night we went over to our friends the Heintzelman's for a cookout. We had a good time and Randy showed up not long after we got there which made it better. The picture I posted of the picnic was the only one that I took at there.It was funny because when I saw it Drew was yawning and Michael was tackling Maria. I didn't even notice when I snapped it. Well Tuesday morning I called the doctor and they got both Kaitlyn and Konnor in at the same time.Both of their oxygen levels were low and they had to give them both two breathing treatment just to bring the levels to borderline. Because of Konnor's temperature and his history with pnumonia they sent him for chest xrays and he is being treated for walking pnumonia and kaitlyn is just being treated for her asthma. So off to the store I went for 5 different prescriptions. I had to take them both back to the doctor today for rechecks and both of their lungs are sounding better. The steroids are doing the job I guess. I also had my OB check up today. I had to drink that nasty stuff for my glucose test 1 hour before my appointment and they would take my blood when I got there. Well on the way to the doctor there had been a wreck and they closed the highway down. Once I hit the traffic jam I only had 1 more mile to go so I inched my way down the road feeling like I was going to throw up and just knowing I was going to have to drink that stuff over again.In the meantime Konnor is yelling from the back seat" go mama go" I seriously thought I was going to lose my mind!I called the doctor and told them what was going on and they said they had a 15 minute window on the time to take my blood so just get as soon as I could. I made it with 5 minutes to spare after doing things on the highway I would never do.( like go down the emergency lane)I felt so rude!I just wanted to get out and explain to people why I was doing it.Gotta do what you gotta do right?At least I only gained 1 pound this month. That made me happy.Enough rambling for one post. Hopefully by the next one everyone will be felling better. knock on wood.8o)


Aimee said...

Whew! Guess you are glad that weekend is over! =) Hope everyone feels better soon....

Rebekah said...

Glad to hear that Katie and Konnor are doing a little better!! Sorry but I had to kind of laugh picturing you driving like a crazy person getting to the doctor. It is just so not you it made me laugh. I'm glad you made it on time though so you didn't have to drink that syrup again!!!

The Going Blog said...

Great post update. I'm sorry the kids are sick though. I love my kids but I do not like sleeping in the same room with them. I never sleep good. Do you also use the handicap bathroom stall? I always feel guilty about doing it but it is so much easier helping the girls. Congrats on the only 1lb. I'm sure you are looking really cute.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that the kids have been sick. What a weekend you had! I hope they get better real soon. Glad you made it to the doctor appt. on time. I remember feeling very nauseated when I had to drink that nasty stuff - and being told that if I threw up I would have to come back and take the test over again. Not a fun feeling. That's great though that you only gained 1 pound. Have you decided on a name yet?

Katie and the boys said...

I love the picture of my wild child tackling Maria! I'm glad the kids are doing better! They didn't sound good Monday!

Janella said...

When you write things down you realize why you might be a little crazy?! The sick kids can get you their really fast! You do a great job being a mommy! Hang in there:)

Janella said...

Oh and by the way, that orange stuff will make you do many things, I still remember it and HATE it! Do you have to do the 3hr? I hope not :)