Friday, February 6, 2009

What is this?

Lovely huh? Yes, there is a bunch between the boxes too. This my fellow blogger friends is Kade's latest mess. Bet you can't guess what it is! No it is not dirt, pepper, or bugs. I saw some under the table and started looking for the pepper shaker because he is prone to salt or pepper the floor and whatever he can find. I just love to walk across the floor and feel the grit of salt. Oh joy! No this time he decided to push his little chair to the pantry and investigate the tea bags. He ripped a few( okay alot) open and proceeded to dump it all over the floor.
I know what you are thinking. What does she do all day? Sit on the couch, read books and eat bon bons and let her children do whatever they want.He loves to eat cereal so usually when I hear him opening up the pantry all I have to say is "Kade put the cereal away" and that is the end of it. This little boy of mine is terrorist,booger and monkey all wrapped up into an 18 month old body. Randy says he will be the first child of ours to wear a cast and I am sure he is probably right. His new thing among others is to jump. He jumps off of everything. The couch, the bottom step, the chair. What ever he can climb on he will try( yes try) to jump off of. I am constantly saying" Kade sit down!!!" This child will be the life of me! But without him it would be boring around here. Have a good weekend.


sankey family said...

That's hilarious. In Spanish we would say he is "tremendo". Down South I grew up hearing "he's a 'mess'". Either way, he's adorable!

Tamra said...

Funny! He's too cute to be a terrorist and a booger. LOL! Shane left a message on your cell phone last night. If you have any questions, don't hestitate to ask!

~Regina~ said...

Isn't amazing what kids can accomplish in a few short seconds! Yesterday evening, Samuel was helping roll out some pizza dough. It was pretty much ready for us to put the toppings on, I stepped out of the kitchen to get something (don't remember what), I hear this little voice saying, "Mommy I need your help!" I walk back in the kitchen and find the pizza dough tangled around his fingers and rolling pin. Don't know WHAT he was trying to do, but he ended up making a GIGANTIC MESS in a few short seconds! You're right, without our kids and their BIG messes, life would be pretty boring! :)

The Going Blog said...

It was fun to see you Saturday night. I guess God knew what He was doing when He gave you Kade because if he was the first born he might have been an only child. ha He is adorable so go easy on him.

Andy said...

i was actually thinking chocolate covered strawberries instead of bon bons. ;O)